Wednesday 18 April 2012

Tuesday 27th March 2012

dear daddy
today has bin very sunny and hot so it was a gud job i rememberd to take my sun hat to nanna and grandads and i went to colick park wiv nanna and grandad and we fed the duks quak quak and afta we went to see aunty kath and unkle duff and i had a likkel bit of ice cream at aunty kaths and i asked aunty kath nicely for it and i sed ice cream aunty kath up and she got up and i fink that upset unkle duff becorse he sed aunty kath wudnt just get up for him but mayb thats becorse he doesnt ask nicely like me and i had a nap at nanna and grandads and nanna had to wayke me up and it was still very sunny wen i waked up so i plaid outside wiv nanna and grandad and wen mummy came i was playing rolling wiv the hoolar hoops and i showed mummy how to warter the garden and wen i had my tea and by the time we came home it was time for me to watch alphablocks and chuggington choo choo but i did wonder where you were and i know you are at work but i thought you mite be bak by now

lots of love
jack xx

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